let's set some expectations

Leaks may happen while you’re learning. Using a liner or period underwear as backup keeps things low stress. Trying out your disc before your period starts can also help make it an easier transition. If you leak during your first cycle, don't be discouraged! Be sure to re-tuck the disc behind the pubic bone each time, after you use the restroom! One of the common causes of leaks is forgetting to do a quick re-tuck after using the restroom!

If you didn’t experience any leaks during your first cycle, voila! You’ve got it! 

Some leaking on your second cycle is not a problem, keep practicing! Nobody got better at using their disc by leaving it on the shelf. Be sure you've watched the videos and read through the learning hub so you can be confident! There’s no shame in using backup a little bit longer! You're on the way to being a pro!

Things are hopefully getting easier now! Insertion and removal should be going smoothly, you've got your bathroom routine down and you’re telling all of your friends how amazing this disc is! yay! Are you feeling confident enough to ditch the liner and put on white pants?

Any time you feel like you need extra help, reach out! Let’s chat! We have real humans ready to support you.